You can display all kind of infor­ma­ti­on about commu­ni­ty of your colle­ge or university.

A commu­ni­ty colle­ge is a type of educa­tio­nal insti­tu­ti­on. The term can have diffe­rent meanings in diffe­rent coun­tries, but usual­ly refers to an educa­tio­nal insti­tu­ti­on that provi­des tertia­ry educa­ti­on and conti­nuing educa­ti­on supple­men­tal to tradi­tio­nal univer­si­ties and colleges.


TAFEs and other provi­ders carry on the tradi­ti­on of adult educa­ti­on, which was estab­lis­hed in Austra­lia around mid 19th centu­ry when evening clas­ses were held to help adults enhan­ce their nume­ra­cy and liter­acy skills.[1] Most Austra­li­an univer­si­ties can also be traced back to such forerun­ners, although obtai­ning a univer­si­ty char­ter has always chan­ged their natu­re. In TAFEs and colle­ges today, cour­ses are desi­gned for perso­nal deve­lo­p­ment of an indi­vi­du­al and/or for employ­ment outco­mes. Educa­tio­nal programs cover a varie­ty of topics such as arts, languages, busi­ness and life­style, and are usual­ly time­tabled to be conduc­ted in the evenings or weekends to accom­mo­da­te peop­le working full-time. Funding for colle­ges may come from government grants and cour­se fees, and many are not-for-profit orga­ni­sa­ti­ons. There are loca­ted in metro­po­li­tan, regio­nal and rural loca­ti­ons of Australia.

Compu­ter lab

Lear­ning offe­red by TAFEs and colle­ges has chan­ged over the years. By the 1980s many colle­ges had reco­gnis­ed a commu­ni­ty need for compu­ter trai­ning and since then thousands of peop­le have been up-skil­led through IT cour­ses. The majo­ri­ty of colle­ges by the late 20th centu­ry had also beco­me Regis­tered Trai­ning Orga­ni­sa­ti­ons, reco­gnis­ing the need to offer indi­vi­du­als a nurtu­ring, non-tradi­tio­nal educa­ti­on venue to gain skills that would better prepa­re them for the work­place and poten­ti­al job openings.[2] TAFEs and colle­ges have not tradi­tio­nal­ly offe­red bachelor’s degrees, instead provi­ding pathway arran­ge­ments with univer­si­ties to conti­nue towards degrees. The Ameri­can inno­va­ti­on of the asso­cia­te degree is emer­ging at some insti­tu­ti­ons. Certi­fi­ca­te cour­ses I to IV, diplo­mas and advan­ced diplo­mas are typi­cal­ly offe­red, the latter deemed equi­va­lent to an under­gra­dua­te quali­fi­ca­ti­on, albeit typi­cal­ly in more voca­tio­nal areas. Recent­ly, some TAFE insti­tu­tes (and priva­te provi­ders) have also beco­me higher educa­ti­on provi­ders in their own right and are now star­ting to offer bachelor’s degrees programs.

Library and Computer Lab

In addi­ti­on to gradua­te degrees, univer­si­ties gene­ral­ly grant Associate’s degrees and Bachelor’s degrees, but in some regi­ons and/or cour­ses of study, colle­ges and univer­si­ties colla­bo­ra­te so colle­ge students can earn trans­fer credits toward under­gra­dua­te univer­si­ty degrees.

Univer­si­ty degrees are usual­ly attai­ned through four years of study. The term asso­cia­te degree is used in western Cana­da to refer to a two-year colle­ge arts or science degree, simi­lar to how the term is used in the United States. In other parts of Cana­da the term advan­ced degree is used to indi­ca­te a 3- or 4‑year colle­ge program.

In the provin­ce of Quebec, three years is the norm for a univer­si­ty degree becau­se a year of credit is earned in the CEGEP (colle­ge) system. Even when spea­king in English, peop­le often refer to all colle­ges as [3] Cégeps, howe­ver the term is an acro­nym more correct­ly applied speci­fi­cal­ly to the French-language public system: Collè­ge d’ens­eig­ne­ment géné­ral et profes­si­onnel (CEGEP); in English: Colle­ge of Gene­ral and Voca­tio­nal Educa­ti­on. The word Colle­ge can also refer to a priva­te High School in Quebec.